We want you to be happy with your Thunderpants and accept returns or exchanges on any product, with the exception of sale/discounted items. Items must be returned in original pristine condition unworn, unaltered and unwashed with the original packaging. If you are unsure if the garment will be right for you and may want to return them please try them on over the top of a clean garment.
To return or exchange an item email us at info@thunderpants.co.uk and we will provide you with an address to return your Thunderpants to us, please include your name or order number on the return parcel and this will speed up your refund.
You cover the cost of shipping unless the original garment was incorrect or faulty. We recommend tracking your parcel to ensure their safe return as we cannot be held responsible for any item which does not arrive.
To help us keep track of inventory and to guarantee the garment/size you would like while it's still available please place a new order for the item you would like in exchange and you will then be refunded as soon as your returned product arrives in its original condition.
Please note: We will only refund the postage costs if the goods are faulty or incorrect.
If you have any queries regarding our returns or exchanges please contact us info@thunderpants.co.uk